Willing to risk it all for a real man!
- My name is:
- Givingback595
- My age:
- 58 Years old
- I live in:
- Sydney (New South Wales)
- Like me?
- 3 Likes Like me!
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Givingback595(58) Writes:
Hello! I’m Polly.I’m a hard-working woman, married to a man who is the opposite of me. He spends his days on the couch while I work hard. I come home, clean, cook, do the washing and dishes and end up sleeping in a separate bedroom.I think, It’s time for me to put myself first, and I think, that spending time with a fun man could be one of those things.Are you a lot of fun? Enjoy the occasional drink out, or are you just like my husband? Stuck on the couch?
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