I always need sex in my life!
- My name is:
- TcraveLuv
- My age:
- 34 Years old
- I live in:
- Central Coast (New South Wales)
- Like me?
- 4 Likes Like me!
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TcraveLuv(34) Writes:
What is wrong with women?Am I the only woman who won’t use excuses as to why I don’t wanna have sex? Haha! I WANT MORE SEX IN MY LIFE, not less.I’ve got friends who constantly nag about how they are too tired, kids take up to much time and now I read about a woman who blames the stress of buying a house when the market is the way it is. Hahaha! SERIOUSLY???Tell me your age and how do you feel that age? Hornier than ever like me? Wanna have sex all the time? And wanna have some with me?
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