Come over for fun!
- My name is:
- Touchm3_H0ney
- My age:
- 36 Years old
- I live in:
- Mount Gambier (South Australia)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Fri 20
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Sun 22
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Touchm3_H0ney(36) Writes:
My husband goes on trips a lot in the weekends. I know I will be al by myself a lot. I don’t like it at all, being alone in this big house, with all those unpleasant noises.I think I will stay in bed the whole time, watching movies and play with myself from time to time. Unless you have time to come and join me.We can have this wonderful time together I know for sure! We can order some take out and indeed stay in bed, but being two of us, it will be a lot of fun!Please do come!
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