Fed up with chasing my husband

- My name is:
- Aamethystt
- My age:
- 41 Years old
- I live in:
- Wollongong (New South Wales)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
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Aamethystt(41) Writes:
I’m getting extremely fed up with chasing my husband around all the time.He’s always off with friends, work or stupid one-man-expeditions that he likes to undertake. Last year he hiked almost all across the Victoria area for fun, while I was home alone, getting bored and frustrated.Maybe I’m just jealous that he has a much more interesting life than I have and I should probably do something about that. Starting now!Big chance that my better half won’t even notice if you and I had an affair. Would you like that or are you busy too?-x-Amethyst
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